Toppling Goliath psuedoSue
Fresh growler pour !
(actual bottle label)
Brewer's Description:
This single hop ale showcases the Citra hop. Named for the largest T-rex fossil ever discovered, she roars with ferocious aromas of grapefruit, citrus, mango and evergreen. Delicate in body with a mild bite in the finish.
So I was very excited to try anything from Toppling Goliath as they have been a hot commodity over the past 6 months or so... and being from Iowa means its pretty hard to get. Up until just recently they have kept all their beer in state but just now started distributing to Wisconsin as well. Having no friends or acquaintances in that area made it a difficult score as most people that have access to it have been holding out for ridiculous trade offers and Im not one to go all in on a new hyped brewery. That all changed when one of my regular trading partners texted me from Ohio saying he was en route to Toppling Goliath and was willing to pick me up anything I wanted, beer karma at its best!
Ok enough of how I got this beer... on to what I think of it !
My Thoughts:
Pours a medium golden color with two fingers of sticky eggshell foam. Nose is a big burst of citrus, valencia orange some sweet tropical fruits and a hint of scallion and sticky pine. Palate follow with a big juicy hop profile lots of sweet tropical fruit bordering on sticky but the bitter orange peel and grass notes clean up the finish nicely !
64oz Growler $15
Buy, Forage & Hoard or Pass By ?
I say forage away... never hoard a hoppy beer ! If you find someone that is willing to trade you some fresh hop juice from this brewery, I would urge you to get it done. I would gladly trade some Heady Topper, Maine Beer Co., or Tree House Brewing growlers for this stuff. They also brew some highly rated stouts like Kentucky Brunch and Assassin. I've heard the stouts are on the sweeter side but still another couple bottles I have yet to forage in the endless wormhole known as beer releases.
Final Rating:
Final Score:
4.1 out of 5
Final Score:
4.1 out of 5
Agree, Disagree... Leave your comments below !
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